วันเสาร์ที่ 22 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2554


As Thailand is single state, the Office of the Attorney of Thailand is the sole office that has the primaryfunctions of prosecuting and litigating criminal cases throughout the country. The office is also assigned to defend government officials charged with offences related to the law =ful performance of their duty. Moreover, regarding international mutual legal assistance in criminal matters , the office serves as the Central Authority . In addition, the Office is entrusted with the duty to protect the state interest by rendering legal opinions to government agencies, reviewing draft government contracts, AND HANDLEING CIVIL CASE WHEREBY PUBLIC AGENCIES ARE PARTIES. THE OFFICE ALSO ACTS AS THE CENTER OF CIVIL RIGNT PROTECTION as well as renders national legal aid to the poor and needy.
The powers and functions of the public prosecutors in the Thai criminal justice system are not addressed in the current national constitution as those of judges. However, they are clearly stated in a number of legistion ranging from the Criminal Procedure Code of 1934, the Crimininal Procrdure in Summary Court of 1979, and the Establishment of Juvenile and Family Court and its procedures. There are also some provisions in the Penal Code authorizimg public prosecutors to enter a specified area, to excute a bond with security for keeping the peace, to be kept under a restraint in a hospital , prohibition to carry on a certain kind of occupation, to be imposed to some dangerous comvicted persons. Moreover public prosecutors are subject to the Public Prosecutors Act of 1955 and have to comply with internal regulation and subsequent amendments providing for the standard to be followed in their performing of functions related to criminal justice.

พันตำรวจโทจักรกฤช ชูคง
ผบ.ร้อย ฝ่ายปกครอง ๑ (กองร้อยที่ ๔)

